
That was the year that was!

This week's Art Lot Slot tomorrow December 29 is, of course, the last of the year. So, I'll  be looking back at the year and reflecting on all the wonderful guests who came into the studio and told me about their work and their lives.

I will be joined by tailor-extraordinaire Rowland Oxland...this will be his third time with me on Stroud FM...I reckon he's caught the radio bug!

Join us for a musical farewell to 2009.

Listen in! 107.9 locally, or from anywhere in the world

WOT's ON? Don't forget: if you have an event you'd like posted on The Art Lot Blog, then just add a 'Comment' and I'll post it asap!

Tune in! 107.9 locally, or from anywhere in the world

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