You can hear actor-director Chris Garner [pictured right in rehearsal with 'Owen'] revealing all about his most embarrassessing moment on stage...and explaining how being a Buddhist is not [as I had thought] in any way at odds with being an actor: yes, listen in to my ART LOT repeat today Sunday December 20 at 3pm.
Chris also urged aspiring playwrights to contact him via his webiste [http://www.stroudtheatrecompany.co.uk/]...and if anyone wants more details about the Buddhism he practises, then email me [swithinfry@gmail.com] and I'll send your message through to him.
WOT's ON? Don't forget: if you have an event you'd like posted on The Art Lot Blog, then just add a 'Comment' and I'll post it asap!
Tune in! 107.9 locally, or from anywhere in the world http://www.stroudfm.co.uk/
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