Simon composes for the theatre and for art installations ... and we played not only some music which has inspired him, but also some of his own haunting compositions.
You can also check out his work on his website []..:
CREATIVE CABIN is primarily a music maker. A lot of the work will be found at the theatre, increasingly in film and occasionally a site specific installation. A special mix of electronic processing, acoustic instrumentation, found sound and irreverance to how things should be done. The true guides being an acute sense of the aesthetic and exploration.
please note please note please note!there are loads of what's on coming in, so read on!
News flash! One
News from David Dallimore, my artist guest of a few weeks back: Read on ..."Hi. Just a quick note to say I now have a website to sell my art work. It is I am also on Just put david dallimore in the artist search..."
Now that's what I call cool! Don't forget, you heard it first on The Art Lot Slot!
News flash! Two
If you fancy an art workshop in the sun this summer, check out superb artist Helen Layfield ...
News flash! Three
This year I'm starting a charity of the month and I will give out details of that charity during the show ... so if you want to nominate your charity, and post a comment on this blog.
This also means I won't have time to read a what's-on, so again, just post to your what's-on on the blog as a comment and I will make it live just as soon as I can. Pass the word around. Please!
The first charity, of course -- for those who know me, will be The Encephalitis Society ... the charity very dear to my heart. Check it out on
News flash four!
Painswick Players are planning to stage Alan Ayckbourn’s ‘Confusions’ on 6th, 7th and 8th May at the Painswick Centre. ‘Confusions’ consists of five separate playlets, which make a "charmingly observed study of middle-class marital anxieties", with a particular focus on loneliness and its effect on others.
Auditions will be held on Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd February at 7.30 in the Cotswold Room of the Painswick Centre. Rehearsals will be held in the Christ Church Hall in Painswick on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings (until April only two of these playlets will be rehearsed each evening).
There are altogether 21 characters in the five plays (some can be doubled up) so there is plenty of scope for a large cast, writes George.
News flash 5!
Alexander John Blues News Update 2010
Year has begun positiviely for young Alexander John [of Art Lot Guest fame] the slide blues guitarist, singer songwriter and the SeaSick Steve of Gloucestershire.
He has been playing loads of local gigs already...more studio appearances are set for radio stations across Gloucestershire and the UK...including second guest appearance and performance with his shiny resonator guitar on the Art Lot ...keep blogging and I'll get that date here asap!
News flash 5!
Alexander John Blues News Update 2010
Year has begun positiviely for young Alexander John [of Art Lot Guest fame] the slide blues guitarist, singer songwriter and the SeaSick Steve of Gloucestershire.
He has been playing loads of local gigs already...more studio appearances are set for radio stations across Gloucestershire and the UK...including second guest appearance and performance with his shiny resonator guitar on the Art Lot ...keep blogging and I'll get that date here asap!
Gig listings include more performances in Gloucester and Cheltenham, Stroud and even interest as far afield as the Shetland Isles for a Blues podcast and possibly the Shetland Blues Festival!
The FarmFestival at Myspace
Wychwood, Two thousand Trees are also festival possibilities, along with some fab blues venues and fesitvals in London - Green Note, The Lexington, Dingwalls and The Blues Kitchen Festival of Rhythm and Blues to name a few.
Blues Matters Magazine are set to review Alexander John's CD 'Muddy Waters' ...issue 54 (April)
CD is Available NOW to buy at the website
Alexander John has also got an audtiion for Live and Unsigned in Gloucestershire! Check out the Live and Unsigned profile at Myspace for more info and follow Alex and show your support at Myspace Twitter and also at Facebook
Listen in...4 to 5! 107.9 locally, or from anywhere in the world
Repeated the following Sunday at 3pm!
Check out:
1. Singer-songwriters Tessa Perry – who spent her early childhood in Uley – and Liz Clark are playing at Prema on Saturday 30 January: see for details. You can listen to some of their music at (Tessa’s website) and (Liz’s).
You can call Prema on 01453 860 703 to book your tickets.
Check out:
1. Singer-songwriters Tessa Perry – who spent her early childhood in Uley – and Liz Clark are playing at Prema on Saturday 30 January: see
You can call Prema on 01453 860 703 to book your tickets.
2. Friday 29th January, Dances of Universal Peace, Celebration of Imbolc, St Lukes Medical Centre, 7.30-9.30pm, (come at 7.15 for a cuppa before we dance.)
Juliet will be holding the evening, but please feel free to bring a dance or a poem around the theme of Imbolc:
"We meet just before Imbolc, as January moves into February and the earth begins to stir from her sleep and awaken. Dance celebrating that change, the growing illumination and our energy starting to rise again."
We ask donations of £5 (£3 conc) to cover the cost of the hall.... but if you're skint, please don't let it stop you coming!!
3. I met with two of the Red Dog Theatre people this week ... and they promised to come on the show very soon. Check out what they do
4. My first ever Art Lot guest, Annabel Hollis, is doing a series of Saturday workshops throughout 2010 inviting you to deepen your connection with the cycles of the year, and your creativity. They will combine art, writing, meditation and movement within a safe, intimate group setting..."all at an affordable cost". First workshop will be on the 30th January. Please ph 01453 768 524.for further details.
Fri 19-Sun 21 February 2010 at Hawkwood College, Stroud
Dr David Beales FRCP MRCGP
Jonathan Nunn DO
In a new collaboration, the tutors bring together leading edge holistic medical
thinking with both ancient and contemporary psycho-spiritual thought
and practice.Learn how to create and appreciate conscious breathing patterns aided in
part by new biofeedback capnography. Coupled to mindfulness, a compelling,
simple and effective approach is created.
01453 759034
Don't forget: if you have an event you'd like posted on The Art Lot Blog, then just add a 'Comment' and I'll post it asap!
Tune in! 107.9 locally, or from anywhere in the world!
A great show yesterday and some fab creative pieces of music too.. what an interestiung guy!! Some sounds were very theatrical and fabulously unique!!
keep it up Swithin.. x best wishes Tish
Alexander John Blues News Update 2010!
Well this year has already begun positiviely for young Alexander John the Slide blues guitarist, singer songwriter and the SeaSick Steve of Gloucestershire.
He has been playing a number of local gigs from January even through the snow and ice and is set for a busy year!! at the end of the year ( Dec 19th )BBC Gloucestershire Introducing featured Alexander John's CD Album Muddy Waters and gave a little biog about the good man himself. More studio appearances are set for Radio stations across the Gloucestershire area and the UK, This includes a second guest appearance and performance with a shiny resonator guitar on the Art Lot with Swithin Fry @StroudFM...his very first radio show
Gig listings include more performances in Gloucester and Cheltenham, Stroud and even interest as far afield as the Shetland Isles for a Blues podcast and possibly the Shetland Blues Festival!
The FarmFestival at Myspace brings good news of a thoroughly decent festi possibly wanting the smoky vocal and sexy blues slide of Alexander John.
Wychwood, Two thousand Trees are also festival possibilities, along with some fab blues venues and fesitvals in London - Green Note, The Lexington, Dingwalls and The Blues Kitchen Festival of Rhythm and Blues to name a few.
Blues Matters Magazine!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are set to review Alexander John's CD 'Muddy Waters' !!! We are really excited about this!!!! cant wait!!!! issue 54 (April)
CD is Available NOW to buy at the website
Oh My word.. Alexander John has also got an audtiion for Live and Unsigned in Gloucestershire!! We are excited to the max on this too!! check out the Live and Unsigned profile at Myspace for more info and follow Alex and show your support at Myspace Twitter and also at Facebook
Thanks for your support x wish him luck
Tish AJ Management
07815 560 411
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