Author and Art Lot guest Catherine G Lucas is having an unusual book launch today…on the web – which means that anyone anywhere in the world can attend.
Catherine’s timed the launch for today’s World Mental Health Day…her book, In Case of Spiritual Emergency, looks at mental health issues from a ‘spiritual’ rather than a strictly medical point of view.
Apart from case histories of people who have been through spiritual crisis, her book gives a toolkit and lists resources for coping with mental crisis.
To ‘attend’ her book launch, during which she interviews three people prominent in the world of spiritual emergency, go to www.Academywisdom.co.uk where you can pre-register and then join in tonight.
4pm Tuesday October 18 and 3pm Sunday October 23
My next Art Lot guest is a contemporary folk musician and singer Gill Sandell ... she's coming into the studio with violinist Anna Jenkins, who was one of the first guests on the show with her musical partner Johnny Barlow.
They are both bringing in instruments ... so it should be a lively and musical event!
Gill has a new single coming out ... I'm looking forward to playing it -- it's really great.
Gill released her debut solo album 'Tarry Awhile' in November 2010. For the last few years she has been the accordionist and flautist with Emily Barker & The Red Clay Halo (who have recently provided the title music for the BBC2 Drama series 'The Shadow Line'), and has featured on all three of their albums.
Look at these reviews: "I am smitten by her beautiful music." For Folk's Sake
"... breathlessly pretty voice." R2*** (Rock n Reel)
"A sweet and tender album, a rare beauty.” Northern Sky
"... breathlessly pretty voice." R2*** (Rock n Reel)
"A sweet and tender album, a rare beauty.” Northern Sky
So don't miss tuning in to what could be a fabulous interview.
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