
Libraries' campaigner interview AND bare-faced cheek AND read on!

Erudite libraries’ campaigner John Holland is my studio guest next Tuesday February 22 at 4pm.

John makes a powerfully strong case for the ‘hands off’ campaign which is quickly gaining momentum as library users everywhere realise the full scope and outcome of the County Council’s proposed cuts.

For book lovers everywhere, this is really an interview not to be missed.

BUT, if you should miss it on Tuesday…never fear, you can catch it again the following Sunday February 27 at 3pm.

I should say too, that this was pre-recorded and, with luck, much of what John claims will have been rectified by the County Councillors by the time of broadcast. AND, if you know any County Councillors who would like to come onto Stroud FM and defend their position...just give us a ring on (01453) 757492

John’s music selection is right up to date too: with the contemporary jazz band Polar Bear sizzling away, and the brilliant yet underrated Lorraine Ellison singing what could be the library campaigners’ theme Stay With Me, Baby.

John reveals how music became such a passion in his bookish life.

Don’t miss it!

107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!

OK – here I go with a bit of bare-faced cheek: give me a quid, mates!

I pledged to raise £200 for Buddhafield and…dear, oh dear…there’s nowhere near that in the please, please, donate just a quid…please!

Take a look: 

There’s some photos on-line at

Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!

 The Cotswold Playhouse has sent in this:

Parliament Street, Stroud, GL5 1LW

Tickets are on sale from Stroud Tourist Information Centre, Subscription Rooms, Stroud,
01453 760960 around 4 weeks before the show opens.
Evening performances are at
7.30pm unless otherwise stated

Go-Lightly Theatre Company present
Happy Jack:
19th February 2011

Following the successful production of April In Paris at the Cotswold Playhouse in 2009, Go-lightly Theatre Company toured WA before undertaking Godber's retrospective portrait of his greatest influence in life-his grandparents. Having played the Cheltenham Everyman Studio in July with Happy Jack and the Theatre Gloucestershire showcase they are looking forward to launching their tour at the playhouse.

‘Oh I enjoyed that! Good old fashioned drama. No gimmicks just a sharp script and excellent acting – that’s all you need.’ Paul Graham, Arts Alive
Tickets £10

107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!

Art Lot listener Hannya Melrose sends this:

Guerilla Midwife’ - birth, life and death in Indonesia

Sunday 13th March 2011

2.30pm  to 3.30 film
3.30pm  to 4.00 interval with tea and cake
4.00pm  to 5.00 panel discussion

Cost: £5.00 per ticket in aid of MOBS (Stroud’s breastfeeding support group) – available from Star Anise café or on the door.

Filmed immediately following the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, this culturally mesmerizing, heart-wrenching documentary follows midwife Robin Lim who sees her task as 'healing the earth one baby at a time', providing a loving birth in the midst of chaos and crisis.

Often moving, sometimes controversial, the film examines the effect our birth and first hours of life have on our capacity to love and be loved, and the importance of gentle birth for our society and our world.

107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!

MEAN TO YOU is a short audio play by Art Lot guest Miranda Walker. I’m hoping to broadcast it asap on The Art Lot.

It was commissioned and inspired by the Football for Everyone project, which involved high school students interviewing disabled people about their experiences of attending live football. The play highlights the passion for the game and the associated well-being benefits that shone through. It was recently launched by the National Association of Disabled Supporters and the ex-Premier League player Danny Wallace at Wolverhampton Wanderers' Molineaux Stadium. It is performed by Richard Curnow.

Miranda also wrote the comedy AN INSPECTOR CALLS BACK, set at a pre-school.  It’s an Everyman Theatre production heading to London’s Courtyard Theatre March 8th-13th.  See for further details.

107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!

Long-time friend and Art Lot listener Chris Phillips sent me this thought-provoking  YouTube clip about creavitivity. Check it out!

Creativity and education: Sir Ken Robinson

107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!

Don’t forget to look out for my interview with cult 60s author Peter Curral Brown of Smallcreep’s Day fame. He talks about the book and his life after the book. It was a best-seller…translated into several languages – yet he never wrote another! He explains why.

Keep an eye out for the broadcast date!

107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!

Your event: if you would like your event posted on the Art Lot Blog ... and all for FREE, all you have to do is enter it as a comment (at the bottom of each entry is the Comment icon) and I will upload it ASAP as a proper event in the listings.

The blog is e-mailed as a newsletter every two weeks just before the show to an ‘audience’ of more than 300 ... and growing! ... so it's a great way of letting people know what you’re up to...

Just click here ...

Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!

Also, don't forget, you can always get a 10-min or so interview on Breakfast Time [7-9am] ... and Drivetime [5-7pm] ... just phone the studio 01453. 757492

That's free, too...

Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!

ALSO…it really doesn't cost much to have your advertise read out on StroudFM... it's a great way to reach local people and to support Stroud FM, a really fabulous local enterprise, at the same time.

For details, give Claire Penketh a ring on the above number ... you'll wish you did it before.

Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!

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