And if you want a quick listen now, then click his website here:
4 to 5pm!
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from http://www.stroudfm.co.uk/ anywhere in the world!
News update!
Playwright Rebecca Nesvet who lectures at the University of Gloucs in Cheltenham has sent this flyer about one of her latest plays ... an American, much of her work is performed in New York, so this will be a rare chance of seeing her work in London.
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from http://www.stroudfm.co.uk/ anywhere in the world!
ALSO!Listeners who heard my interview with Philippa Roberts recently may be interested to know that Evergreen magazine have done a big spread about Philippa's grandmother, Effie M. Roberts, in their Spring issue (out now). There are several of Effie's poems, with one spread over several pages in the front of the magazine, illustrated with beautiful photographs. There is an article about her, by Philippa, and more poems and photos later in the magazine.
Evergreen, for those who don't know it, is a Readers' Digest size magazine with a green background to the cover. It should be available in newsagents.
Charity of the month
The Encephalitis Society ...a keen-eyed person in the Encep head office spotted my mention in this blog...and emailed to say 'thanks'.
It will be a fascinating interview...Encephalitis hits at any age: I had it when 59. So make a date in your diary for that! Charlie and Rachel are both busy business people...yet with looking after two young daughters as well, still find time to raise money for The Encepalitis Society. http://www.encephalitis.co.uk/
Their company websites are:
NEW CHARITY OF THE MONTH ... drop a comment into this blog and suggest your charity...
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from http://www.stroudfm.co.uk/ anywhere in the world!
Don't forget: if you have an event you'd like posted on The Art Lot Blog, then just add a 'Comment' and I'll post it asap!
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from http://www.stroudfm.co.uk/ anywhere in the world!That email led to another etc etc as they do, and the outcome is that my 4-to-5 guests on June 15 will be Charlie + Rachel Stanley-Evans whose baby daughter caught the virus two years ago when she was one..she recovered and is now a thoroughly naughty three-year-old, says Charlie with relief.
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