‘Eyes Closed’ is the title of photographer Jimmy Edmonds’ latest exhibition…and he talks today about the tragedy his family recently suffered, and the exhibition’s dedication.
Since I first met Jimmy, at his pre-Christmas exhibition in The Space only last year, his young son Josh died tragically while travelling in Vietnam. The exhibition is dedicated to him.
The exhibition, at Ruskin Mill, Nailsworth, explores the issues of trust with photographs of people with their eyes closed.
Looking at a photograph of someone with their eyes shut profoundly changes the dynamics for the viewer...and in today’s Art Lot Tuesday March 8th at 4pm, he discusses this phenomenon and explains how this project started.
The exhibition runs until Thursday March17th, and is open daily including Sundays from 10 am to 5 pm. And, what’s more, admission is free!
Should you miss today’s Art Lot, you can catch it again on Sunday March 13th at 3pm.
Don’t miss it!
And Art Lot listener and publisher Kevan Manwaring sends this:
This Spring, Cotswold-based press Awen Publications is joining forces with Waterstones, Bath, The History Press, Stroud, and Bath Writers' Workshop to bring readers a blooming lovely bunch of book launches, under the umbrella title of 'Awen Spring'. Four book launches are lined up at Waterstones, Milsom Street, Bath, starting with a Bath Literature Festival preview special:
24 February: Words of Re-enchantment/Wiltshire Folk Tales
21 March: Soul of the Earth (World Poetry Day)
20 April: Iona - Easter Special. Celtic poetry, story & music
21 May: The Burning Path/The Firekeeper's Daughter
Each event starts 7.00pm (doors 6.30pm). Admission is free, but tickets to be collected from Waterstones in advance (tel: 01225 448515). Refreshments available.
Awen Publications was founded by former Bard of Bath Kevan Manwaring. Cotswolds-based small press Awen Publications has been publishing poetry, fiction and creative non-fiction with an eco-bardic* focus since 2003 when it launched its first title, Writing the Land: an anthology of natural words, which raises money for Friends of the Earth.
Contact details:
Art Lot guest Annabel Hollis sends this in:
A series of workshops at Hawkwood College during 2011
“Allowing the mysterious and magical to unfold is at the centre of this experience, being receptive to what wishes to happen in the moment. The rhythm of the year and its changing seasons will facilitate the bringing to birth of hidden parts of yourself, and allow aspects that no longer serve you to die away.
“Being open to your dreams before a workshop will be encouraged. This will feed into the creative process which will use a diverse range of approaches including art, writing and meditation.
“Doing all seven in the series of workshops would be beneficial though not essential.
“Previous creative experience not needed, and don’t worry if you do not dream!”
Each day is £62 inc. lunch & refreshments
26 March Promise of new beginnings
30 April In love with life
25 June Taking a breath
24 September Nourished by the harvest
29 October Honouring the darkness
10 December Transformation and rebirth
Annabel Hollis is a skilled facilitator with a background in the healing and creative arts. She has given talks on the subjects of healing, and dream wisdom and is one of the founding members of the Spiritual Crisis Network.Writing, painting and bodywork, alongside a deep reverence for the natural world are her passions. Tel 01453 768524 www.annabelhollis.co.uk
Bookings: Hawkwood College
Painswick Old Road, Stroud, GL6 7QW
Art Lot listener Hannya Melrose sends this:
‘Guerilla Midwife’ - birth, life and death in Indonesia
Sunday 13th March 2011
2.30pm to 3.30 film
3.30pm to 4.00 interval with tea and cake
4.00pm to 5.00 panel discussion
Cost: £5.00 per ticket in aid of MOBS (Stroud’s breastfeeding support group) – available from Star Anise café or on the door.
Filmed immediately following the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, this culturally mesmerizing, heart-wrenching documentary follows midwife Robin Lim who sees her task as 'healing the earth one baby at a time', providing a loving birth in the midst of chaos and crisis.
Often moving, sometimes controversial, the film examines the effect our birth and first hours of life have on our capacity to love and be loved, and the importance of gentle birth for our society and our world.
Don’t forget to look out for my interview with cult 60s author Peter Curral Brown of Smallcreep’s Day fame. He talks about the book and his life after the book. It was a best-seller…translated into several languages – yet he never wrote another! He explains why.
Keep an eye out for the broadcast date!
Your event: if you would like your event posted on the Art Lot Blog ... and all for FREE, all you have to do is enter it as a comment (at the bottom of each entry is the Comment icon) and I will upload it ASAP as a proper event in the listings.
The blog is e-mailed as a newsletter every two weeks just before the show to an ‘audience’ of more than 300 ... and growing! ... so it's a great way of letting people know what you’re up to...
Also, don't forget, you can always get a 10-min or so interview on Breakfast Time [7-9am] ... and Drivetime [5-7pm] ... just phone the studio 01453. 757492
That's free, too...
ALSO…it really doesn't cost much to have your advertise read out on StroudFM... it's a great way to reach local people and to support Stroud FM, a really fabulous local enterprise, at the same time.
For details, give Claire Penketh a ring on the above number ... you'll wish you did it before.
Arty info and post your event as a Comment on
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