Alex of ...
...was a great guest...did you miss us on Tuesday?
Never fear, you can hear the whole interview again - hear how he started in photography...hear him telling the story behind that picture on his web on the flute-girl and the snake...hear it all again this Sunday July 4 at 3.
And you can check out his brilliant work on... inspired...and listen in:
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
News update!
Art lot guest James D'Angelo, piano and DerShin Hwang, soprano will be presenting two all-Chopin programmes in Gloucestershire to celebrate the 200th anniversary of his birth.
James will be playing a selection of his works including the C# minor Scherzo and the G minor Ballade and DerShin will be singing five of his songs sung in Polish.
The first programme will be on Friday, the 9th of July at 7:30pm at The Grange Community, Newnham on Severn.
Their arts space is most beautiful and filled with great peace. This concert will be an hour and a quarter long and admission is free.
The second programme will be on Saturday, the 10th of July at 7:30pm at The Christian Community Centre, 73 Cainscross Road, Stroud GL5 4HB. They have a most lovely space for artistic events. This will be a full concert with interval and there will be a retiring collection.
For further information, call 01452 413220 or
The National Star College in Partnership with Everyman Reachout and Gloucestershire Dance Present
By Miranda Walker
‘Collaboration’ is a tale about Kate, an idealistic new community worker with dream plans to unite two communities at odds over the refurbishment of a derelict public building. Despite her best efforts to get everyone on board the Southsiders and Westlaners refuse to work together – Kate believes they are stronger together, weaker apart but is it too late to persuade them to collaborate to save the building for everyone?
Students from the National Star College have been working with The Everyman Theatre to devise a show combining theatre, dance, song and video projection. This performance is aimed at 9- 11 year olds and links with the PSHE & Citizenship curriculum and the National Literacy Strategy.”
The performance will be approximately 50 minutes with a 10 minute post show discussion.
Thurs 1st July: The Roses Theatre Tewkesbury 1pm
Tickets £6 & £4.50 (FREE to Schools & Youth Groups)
Book now on 01684 295074
‘Still Kicking’ written and performed by Jo Bousfield and Marcus Moore
A hotch potch of humour, histories and hormones
BOX OFFICE Everyman except * gigs with phone numbers
Fri 9th July 7.30pm Picturedrome Studio Theatre, Barton St, Gloucester
Sat July 10th Days Cottage Farm Yurt, Brookthorpe, Gloucester 7.30pm
Thurs July 22nd Tewkesbury Roses Theatre Café/Bar 8.30pm * 01684 295074
Jo B 07769 952449
Charity of the month
NEW CHARITY OF THE MONTH??? ... drop a comment into this blog and suggest your charity...
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Don't forget: if you have an event you'd like posted on The Art Lot Blog, then just add a 'Comment' and I'll post it asap!
Alex of ...
He's a commercial photographer with a bursting portfolio that you can check out on... inspired...and listen in:
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
News update!
Art lot guest James D'Angelo, piano and DerShin Hwang, soprano will be presenting two all-Chopin programmes in Gloucestershire to celebrate the 200th anniversary of his birth.
James will be playing a selection of his works including the C# minor Scherzo and the G minor Ballade and DerShin will be singing five of his songs sung in Polish.
The first programme will be on Friday, the 9th of July at 7:30pm at The Grange Community, Newnham on Severn.
Their arts space is most beautiful and filled with great peace. This concert will be an hour and a quarter long and admission is free.
The second programme will be on Saturday, the 10th of July at 7:30pm at The Christian Community Centre, 73 Cainscross Road, Stroud GL5 4HB. They have a most lovely space for artistic events. This will be a full concert with interval and there will be a retiring collection.
For further information, call 01452 413220 or
The National Star College in Partnership with Everyman Reachout and Gloucestershire Dance Present
By Miranda Walker
‘Collaboration’ is a tale about Kate, an idealistic new community worker with dream plans to unite two communities at odds over the refurbishment of a derelict public building. Despite her best efforts to get everyone on board the Southsiders and Westlaners refuse to work together – Kate believes they are stronger together, weaker apart but is it too late to persuade them to collaborate to save the building for everyone?
Students from the National Star College have been working with The Everyman Theatre to devise a show combining theatre, dance, song and video projection. This performance is aimed at 9- 11 year olds and links with the PSHE & Citizenship curriculum and the National Literacy Strategy.”
The performance will be approximately 50 minutes with a 10 minute post show discussion.
Thurs 1st July: The Roses Theatre Tewkesbury 1pm
Tickets £6 & £4.50 (FREE to Schools & Youth Groups)
Book now on 01684 295074
‘Still Kicking’ written and performed by Jo Bousfield and Marcus Moore
A hotch potch of humour, histories and hormones
BOX OFFICE Everyman except * gigs with phone numbers
Fri 9th July 7.30pm Picturedrome Studio Theatre, Barton St, Gloucester
Sat July 10th Days Cottage Farm Yurt, Brookthorpe, Gloucester 7.30pm
Thurs July 22nd Tewkesbury Roses Theatre Café/Bar 8.30pm * 01684 295074
Jo B 07769 952449
Charity of the month
NEW CHARITY OF THE MONTH??? ... drop a comment into this blog and suggest your charity...
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Don't forget: if you have an event you'd like posted on The Art Lot Blog, then just add a 'Comment' and I'll post it asap! my live 4-to-5 guest today Tuesday June 29th...
He's a commercial photographer with a bursting portfolio that you can check out on... inspired...and listen in:
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
News update!
Art lot guest James D'Angelo, piano and DerShin Hwang, soprano will be presenting two all-Chopin programmes in Gloucestershire to celebrate the 200th anniversary of his birth.
James will be playing a selection of his works including the C# minor Scherzo and the G minor Ballade and DerShin will be singing five of his songs sung in Polish.
The first programme will be on Friday, the 9th of July at 7:30pm at The Grange Community, Newnham on Severn.
Their arts space is most beautiful and filled with great peace. This concert will be an hour and a quarter long and admission is free.
The second programme will be on Saturday, the 10th of July at 7:30pm at The Christian Community Centre, 73 Cainscross Road, Stroud GL5 4HB. They have a most lovely space for artistic events. This will be a full concert with interval and there will be a retiring collection.
For further information, call 01452 413220 or
The National Star College in Partnership with Everyman Reachout and Gloucestershire Dance Present
By Miranda Walker
‘Collaboration’ is a tale about Kate, an idealistic new community worker with dream plans to unite two communities at odds over the refurbishment of a derelict public building. Despite her best efforts to get everyone on board the Southsiders and Westlaners refuse to work together – Kate believes they are stronger together, weaker apart but is it too late to persuade them to collaborate to save the building for everyone?
Students from the National Star College have been working with The Everyman Theatre to devise a show combining theatre, dance, song and video projection. This performance is aimed at 9- 11 year olds and links with the PSHE & Citizenship curriculum and the National Literacy Strategy.”
The performance will be approximately 50 minutes with a 10 minute post show discussion.
Thurs 1st July: The Roses Theatre Tewkesbury 1pm
Tickets £6 & £4.50 (FREE to Schools & Youth Groups)
Book now on 01684 295074
‘Still Kicking’ written and performed by Jo Bousfield and Marcus Moore
A hotch potch of humour, histories and hormones
BOX OFFICE Everyman except * gigs with phone numbers
Fri 9th July 7.30pm Picturedrome Studio Theatre, Barton St, Gloucester
Sat July 10th Days Cottage Farm Yurt, Brookthorpe, Gloucester 7.30pm
Thurs July 22nd Tewkesbury Roses Theatre Café/Bar 8.30pm * 01684 295074
Jo B 07769 952449
Charity of the month
NEW CHARITY OF THE MONTH??? ... drop a comment into this blog and suggest your charity...
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Don't forget: if you have an event you'd like posted on The Art Lot Blog, then just add a 'Comment' and I'll post it asap!
Alex of ... my live 4-to-5 guest on Tuesday June 25th...
He's an amazing photographer - check out his work on inspired...and listen in:
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
News update! my live 4-to-5 guest on Tuesday June 25th...
He's an amazing photographer - check out his work on inspired...and listen in:
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
News update!
The National Star College in Partnership with Everyman Reachout and Gloucestershire Dance Present
By Miranda Walker
Sometimes to solve a problem you need to work together!
‘Collaboration’ is a tale about Kate, an idealistic new community worker with dream plans to unite two communities at odds over the refurbishment of a derelict public building. Despite her best efforts to get everyone on board the Southsiders and Westlaners refuse to work together – Kate believes they are stronger together, weaker apart but is it too late to persuade them to collaborate to save the building for everyone?
Students from the National Star College have been working with The Everyman Theatre to devise a show combining theatre, dance, song and video projection. This performance is aimed at 9- 11 year olds and links with the PSHE & Citizenship curriculum and the National Literacy Strategy.”
The performance will be approximately 50 minutes with a 10 minute post show discussion.
Thurs 1st July: The Roses Theatre Tewkesbury 1pm
Tickets £6 & £4.50 (FREE to Schools & Youth Groups)
Book now on 01684 295074
If you missed my interview with Jo Leahy, fear not... in tune in again today at 3 PM.
Jo is director of Stroud Valleys Art whch is behind the current Open Studios and fringe events of Site Festival 2010. There are some 400 artists involved in Site Festival and Jo gives the inside info on it all!
Listen in today Sunday, June 20, at 3:
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Great shame, but the planned interview with Charlie + Rachel Stanley-Evans has had to be postponed - Charlie and Rachel's baby daughter caught the Encephalitis virus two years ago when she was one..she recovered and is now a thoroughly naughty three-year-old, says Charlie with relief.
You can check out The Encepalitis Society on
The interview will still happen but not until the Autumn...
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Here's a great chance to support Stroud FM AND win a little prize too: a survey at asks nine quick questions about local people's listening and reading habits.
"We are urging as many people as possible to take part and are offering people the chance to win £25 of shopping vouchers," says Chas Townley who is organising the survey.
So check it out:
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
News update!
Jo is director of Stroud Valleys Art whch is behind the current Open Studios and fringe events of Site Festival 2010. There are some 400 artists involved in Site Festival and Jo gives the inside info on it all!
Listen in today Sunday, June 20, at 3:
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Great shame, but the planned interview with Charlie + Rachel Stanley-Evans has had to be postponed - Charlie and Rachel's baby daughter caught the Encephalitis virus two years ago when she was one..she recovered and is now a thoroughly naughty three-year-old, says Charlie with relief.
You can check out The Encepalitis Society on
The interview will still happen but not until the Autumn...
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Here's a great chance to support Stroud FM AND win a little prize too: a survey at asks nine quick questions about local people's listening and reading habits.
"We are urging as many people as possible to take part and are offering people the chance to win £25 of shopping vouchers," says Chas Townley who is organising the survey.
So check it out:
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
News update!
The National Star College in Partnership with Everyman Reachout and Gloucestershire Dance Present
By Miranda Walker
Sometimes to solve a problem you need to work together!
‘Collaboration’ is a tale about Kate, an idealistic new community worker with dream plans to unite two communities at odds over the refurbishment of a derelict public building. Despite her best efforts to get everyone on board the Southsiders and Westlaners refuse to work together – Kate believes they are stronger together, weaker apart but is it too late to persuade them to collaborate to save the building for everyone?
Students from the National Star College have been working with The Everyman Theatre to devise a show combining theatre, dance, song and video projection. This performance is aimed at 9- 11 year olds and links with the PSHE & Citizenship curriculum and the National Literacy Strategy.”
The performance will be approximately 50 minutes with a 10 minute post show discussion.
Thurs 1st July: The Roses Theatre Tewkesbury 1pm
Tickets £6 & £4.50 (FREE to Schools & Youth Groups)
Book now on 01684 295074
Wot a scoop! Today's 4-to-5 guest is going to be none-other-than Jo Leahy, director of Stroud Valleys Art whch is behind the current Open Studios and fringe events of Site Festival 2010.
So we'll be chatting about the 50-plus artists exhibiting in the Open Studios - and how Jo came to be director - and...and...well, if you have any questions do drop a 'comment' into this blog!
The next Open Studios is this weekend: 19th to 20th of June.
Can't wait! But I have to! Listen in today at 4:
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Great shame, but the planned interview with Charlie + Rachel Stanley-Evans has had to be postponed - Charlie and Rachel's baby daughter caught the Encephalitis virus two years ago when she was one..she recovered and is now a thoroughly naughty three-year-old, says Charlie with relief.
You can check out The Encepalitis Society on
The interview will still happen but not until the Autumn...
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Here's a great chance to support Stroud FM AND win a little prize too: a survey at asks nine quick questions about local people's listening and reading habits.
"We are urging as many people as possible to take part and are offering people the chance to win £25 of shopping vouchers," says Chas Townley who is organising the survey.
So check it out:
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
News update!
So we'll be chatting about the 50-plus artists exhibiting in the Open Studios - and how Jo came to be director - and...and...well, if you have any questions do drop a 'comment' into this blog!
The next Open Studios is this weekend: 19th to 20th of June.
Can't wait! But I have to! Listen in today at 4:
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Great shame, but the planned interview with Charlie + Rachel Stanley-Evans has had to be postponed - Charlie and Rachel's baby daughter caught the Encephalitis virus two years ago when she was one..she recovered and is now a thoroughly naughty three-year-old, says Charlie with relief.
You can check out The Encepalitis Society on
The interview will still happen but not until the Autumn...
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Here's a great chance to support Stroud FM AND win a little prize too: a survey at asks nine quick questions about local people's listening and reading habits.
"We are urging as many people as possible to take part and are offering people the chance to win £25 of shopping vouchers," says Chas Townley who is organising the survey.
So check it out:
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
News update!
The National Star College in Partnership with Everyman Reachout and Gloucestershire Dance Present
By Miranda Walker
Sometimes to solve a problem you need to work together!
‘Collaboration’ is a tale about Kate, an idealistic new community worker with dream plans to unite two communities at odds over the refurbishment of a derelict public building. Despite her best efforts to get everyone on board the Southsiders and Westlaners refuse to work together – Kate believes they are stronger together, weaker apart but is it too late to persuade them to collaborate to save the building for everyone?
Students from the National Star College have been working with The Everyman Theatre to devise a show combining theatre, dance, song and video projection. This performance is aimed at 9- 11 year olds and links with the PSHE & Citizenship curriculum and the National Literacy Strategy.”
The performance will be approximately 50 minutes with a 10 minute post show discussion.
Thurs 1st July: The Roses Theatre Tewkesbury 1pm
Tickets £6 & £4.50 (FREE to Schools & Youth Groups)
Book now on 01684 295074
Wot a scoop! Tomorrow's 4-to-5 guest is going to be none-other-than Jo Leahy, director of Stroud Valleys Art whch is behind the current Open Studios and fringe events of Site Festival 2010.
So we'll be chatting about the 50-plus artists exhibiting in the Open Studios - and how Jo came to be director - and...and...well, if you have any questions do drop a 'comment' into this blog!
Can't wait! But I have to! Listen in tomorrow at 4:
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Great shame, but the planned interview on Tuesday June 15 with Charlie + Rachel Stanley-Evans has had to be postponed - Charlie and Rachel's baby daughter caught the Encephalitis virus two years ago when she was one..she recovered and is now a thoroughly naughty three-year-old, says Charlie with relief.
You can check out The Encepalitis Society on
The interview will still happen but not until the Autumn...
So the burning question of the moment is...who will be the next 4-to-5 Art Lot guest??????
Watch this space!
The Stroud Valleys' Open Studios event starts this Saturday June 12... There are two Open Studio weekends: 12th to 13th of June; 19th to 20th of June.
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Here's a great chance to support Stroud FM AND win a little prize too: a survey at asks nine quick questions about local people's listening and reading habits.
"We are urging as many people as possible to take part and are offering people the chance to win £25 of shopping vouchers," says Chas Townley who is organising the survey.
So check it out:
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
News update!
A hotch potch of humour, histories and hormones
BOX OFFICE Everyman except * gigs with phone numbers
Thurs 17th/ Fri 18th June Dartington College of Arts farewell Festival
Sat 19 June, Sun 20 June 7.30pm Garden Shed , 14 Bowbridge Lane , Stroud
Fri 25th June 7.30pm Garden Shed 39, Naunton Park Rd, Cheltenham
Sat 26 June 7.30pm Garden Shed, 39 Naunton Pk Rd, Cheltenham
Sun 27 June 7.30pm Festival of Words , Coleford, Forest of Dean * 01594 833334
Fri 9th July 7.30pm Picturedrome Studio Theatre, Barton St, Gloucester
Sat July 10th Days Cottage Farm Yurt, Brookthorpe, Gloucester 7.30pm
Thurs July 22nd Tewkesbury Roses Theatre Café/Bar 8.30pm * 01684 295074
Jo B 07769 952449
Charity of the month
Their company websites are:
NEW CHARITY OF THE MONTH ... drop a comment into this blog and suggest your charity...
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Don't forget: if you have an event you'd like posted on The Art Lot Blog, then just add a 'Comment' and I'll post it asap!
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
So we'll be chatting about the 50-plus artists exhibiting in the Open Studios - and how Jo came to be director - and...and...well, if you have any questions do drop a 'comment' into this blog!
Can't wait! But I have to! Listen in tomorrow at 4:
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Great shame, but the planned interview on Tuesday June 15 with Charlie + Rachel Stanley-Evans has had to be postponed - Charlie and Rachel's baby daughter caught the Encephalitis virus two years ago when she was one..she recovered and is now a thoroughly naughty three-year-old, says Charlie with relief.
You can check out The Encepalitis Society on
The interview will still happen but not until the Autumn...
So the burning question of the moment is...who will be the next 4-to-5 Art Lot guest??????
Watch this space!
The Stroud Valleys' Open Studios event starts this Saturday June 12... There are two Open Studio weekends: 12th to 13th of June; 19th to 20th of June.
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Here's a great chance to support Stroud FM AND win a little prize too: a survey at asks nine quick questions about local people's listening and reading habits.
"We are urging as many people as possible to take part and are offering people the chance to win £25 of shopping vouchers," says Chas Townley who is organising the survey.
So check it out:
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
News update!
The National Star College in Partnership with Everyman Reachout and Gloucestershire Dance Present
By Miranda Walker
Sometimes to solve a problem you need to work together!
‘Collaboration’ is a tale about Kate, an idealistic new community worker with dream plans to unite two communities at odds over the refurbishment of a derelict public building. Despite her best efforts to get everyone on board the Southsiders and Westlaners refuse to work together – Kate believes they are stronger together, weaker apart but is it too late to persuade them to collaborate to save the building for everyone?
Students from the National Star College have been working with The Everyman Theatre to devise a show combining theatre, dance, song and video projection. This performance is aimed at 9- 11 year olds and links with the PSHE & Citizenship curriculum and the National Literacy Strategy.”
The performance will be approximately 50 minutes with a 10 minute post show discussion.
Thurs 1st July: The Roses Theatre Tewkesbury 1pm
Tickets £6 & £4.50 (FREE to Schools & Youth Groups)
Book now on 01684 295074
‘Still Kicking’ written and performed by Jo Bousfield and Marcus MooreA hotch potch of humour, histories and hormones
BOX OFFICE Everyman except * gigs with phone numbers
Thurs 17th/ Fri 18th June Dartington College of Arts farewell Festival
Sat 19 June, Sun 20 June 7.30pm Garden Shed , 14 Bowbridge Lane , Stroud
Fri 25th June 7.30pm Garden Shed 39, Naunton Park Rd, Cheltenham
Sat 26 June 7.30pm Garden Shed, 39 Naunton Pk Rd, Cheltenham
Sun 27 June 7.30pm Festival of Words , Coleford, Forest of Dean * 01594 833334
Fri 9th July 7.30pm Picturedrome Studio Theatre, Barton St, Gloucester
Sat July 10th Days Cottage Farm Yurt, Brookthorpe, Gloucester 7.30pm
Thurs July 22nd Tewkesbury Roses Theatre Café/Bar 8.30pm * 01684 295074
Jo B 07769 952449
Charity of the month
Their company websites are:
NEW CHARITY OF THE MONTH ... drop a comment into this blog and suggest your charity...
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Don't forget: if you have an event you'd like posted on The Art Lot Blog, then just add a 'Comment' and I'll post it asap!
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Great shame, but the planned interview on Tuesday June 15 with Charlie + Rachel Stanley-Evans has had to be postponed - Charlie and Rachel's baby daughter caught the Encephalitis virus two years ago when she was one..she recovered and is now a thoroughly naughty three-year-old, says Charlie with relief.
You can check out The Encepalitis Society on
The interview will still happen but not until the Autumn...
So the burning question of the moment is...who will be the next 4-to-5 Art Lot guest??????
Watch this space!
The Stroud Valleys' Open Studios event starts this Saturday June 12... There are two Open Studio weekends: 12th to 13th of June; 19th to 20th of June.
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Here's a great chance to support Stroud FM AND win a little prize too: a survey at asks nine quick questions about local people's listening and reading habits.
"We are urging as many people as possible to take part and are offering people the chance to win £25 of shopping vouchers," says Chas Townley who is organising the survey.
So check it out:
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
News update!
A hotch potch of humour, histories and hormones
BOX OFFICE Everyman except * gigs with phone numbers
Thurs 17th/ Fri 18th June Dartington College of Arts farewell Festival
Sat 19 June, Sun 20 June 7.30pm Garden Shed , 14 Bowbridge Lane , Stroud
Fri 25th June 7.30pm Garden Shed 39, Naunton Park Rd, Cheltenham
Sat 26 June 7.30pm Garden Shed, 39 Naunton Pk Rd, Cheltenham
Sun 27 June 7.30pm Festival of Words , Coleford, Forest of Dean * 01594 833334
Fri 9th July 7.30pm Picturedrome Studio Theatre, Barton St, Gloucester
Sat July 10th Days Cottage Farm Yurt, Brookthorpe, Gloucester 7.30pm
Thurs July 22nd Tewkesbury Roses Theatre Café/Bar 8.30pm * 01684 295074
Jo B 07769 952449
Charity of the month
Their company websites are:
NEW CHARITY OF THE MONTH ... drop a comment into this blog and suggest your charity...
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Don't forget: if you have an event you'd like posted on The Art Lot Blog, then just add a 'Comment' and I'll post it asap!
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
You can check out The Encepalitis Society on
The interview will still happen but not until the Autumn...
So the burning question of the moment is...who will be the next 4-to-5 Art Lot guest??????
Watch this space!
The Stroud Valleys' Open Studios event starts this Saturday June 12... There are two Open Studio weekends: 12th to 13th of June; 19th to 20th of June.
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Here's a great chance to support Stroud FM AND win a little prize too: a survey at asks nine quick questions about local people's listening and reading habits.
"We are urging as many people as possible to take part and are offering people the chance to win £25 of shopping vouchers," says Chas Townley who is organising the survey.
So check it out:
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
News update!
The National Star College in Partnership with Everyman Reachout and Gloucestershire Dance Present
By Miranda Walker
Sometimes to solve a problem you need to work together!
‘Collaboration’ is a tale about Kate, an idealistic new community worker with dream plans to unite two communities at odds over the refurbishment of a derelict public building. Despite her best efforts to get everyone on board the Southsiders and Westlaners refuse to work together – Kate believes they are stronger together, weaker apart but is it too late to persuade them to collaborate to save the building for everyone?
Students from the National Star College have been working with The Everyman Theatre to devise a show combining theatre, dance, song and video projection. This performance is aimed at 9- 11 year olds and links with the PSHE & Citizenship curriculum and the National Literacy Strategy.”
The performance will be approximately 50 minutes with a 10 minute post show discussion.
Thurs 1st July: The Roses Theatre Tewkesbury 1pm
Tickets £6 & £4.50 (FREE to Schools & Youth Groups)
Book now on 01684 295074
‘Still Kicking’ written and performed by Jo Bousfield and Marcus MooreA hotch potch of humour, histories and hormones
BOX OFFICE Everyman except * gigs with phone numbers
Thurs 17th/ Fri 18th June Dartington College of Arts farewell Festival
Sat 19 June, Sun 20 June 7.30pm Garden Shed , 14 Bowbridge Lane , Stroud
Fri 25th June 7.30pm Garden Shed 39, Naunton Park Rd, Cheltenham
Sat 26 June 7.30pm Garden Shed, 39 Naunton Pk Rd, Cheltenham
Sun 27 June 7.30pm Festival of Words , Coleford, Forest of Dean * 01594 833334
Fri 9th July 7.30pm Picturedrome Studio Theatre, Barton St, Gloucester
Sat July 10th Days Cottage Farm Yurt, Brookthorpe, Gloucester 7.30pm
Thurs July 22nd Tewkesbury Roses Theatre Café/Bar 8.30pm * 01684 295074
Jo B 07769 952449
Charity of the month
Their company websites are:
NEW CHARITY OF THE MONTH ... drop a comment into this blog and suggest your charity...
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Don't forget: if you have an event you'd like posted on The Art Lot Blog, then just add a 'Comment' and I'll post it asap!
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Did you hear Artist Penny Payne on The Art Lot?? Penny is one of the artists showing work at Site Festival 2010 ... the Stroud Valleys' Open Studios event starting on June 12...and we had a great interview about her life and work at the last Art Lot.
Her new work is stark and very exciting...and in the interview she explains how this change in her work came about. She also tells how fine art became a passion in her life...the family influences, and the places which influence her new art. The festival catalogue describes her work as, ' Minimalist landscape paintings: pen on gesso.' Listen in... and then go and see her ... she'll be showing with Carolyn Galloway and Caroline Payne at 1 Jubilee Cottage, that's in Jubilee Road, Nailsworth. There are two Open Studio weekends: 12th to 13th of June; 19th to 20th of June.
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Here's a great chance to support Stroud FM AND win a little prize too: a survey at asks nine quick questions about local people's listening and reading habits.
"We are urging as many people as possible to take part and are offering people the chance to win £25 of shopping vouchers," says Chas Townley who is organising the survey.
So check it out:
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
News update!
‘Still Kicking’ written and performed by Jo Bousfield and Marcus Moore
A hotch potch of humour, histories and hormones
BOX OFFICE Everyman except * gigs with phone numbers
Thurs 10 June 8pm Sub Rooms Café Bar, Subscription Rooms, Stroud * 01453 760960
Thurs 17th/ Fri 18th June Dartington College of Arts farewell Festival
Sat 19 June, Sun 20 June 7.30pm Garden Shed , 14 Bowbridge Lane , Stroud
Fri 25th June 7.30pm Garden Shed 39, Naunton Park Rd, Cheltenham
Sat 26 June 7.30pm Garden Shed, 39 Naunton Pk Rd, Cheltenham
Sun 27 June 7.30pm Festival of Words , Coleford, Forest of Dean * 01594 833334
Fri 9th July 7.30pm Picturedrome Studio Theatre, Barton St, Gloucester
Sat July 10th Days Cottage Farm Yurt, Brookthorpe, Gloucester 7.30pm
Thurs July 22nd Tewkesbury Roses Theatre Café/Bar 8.30pm * 01684 295074
Jo B 07769 952449
Charity of the month
The Encephalitis Society ...a keen-eyed person in the Encep head office spotted my mention in this blog...and emailed to say 'thanks'.
That email led to another etc etc as they do, and the outcome is that my 4-to-5 guests on June 15 will be Charlie + Rachel Stanley-Evans whose baby daughter caught the virus two years ago when she was one..she recovered and is now a thoroughly naughty three-year-old, says Charlie with relief.
It will be a fascinating interview...Encephalitis hits at any age: I had it when 59. So make a date in your diary for that! Charlie and Rachel are both busy business people...yet with looking after two young daughters as well, still find time to raise money for The Encepalitis Society.
Their company websites are:
NEW CHARITY OF THE MONTH ... drop a comment into this blog and suggest your charity...
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Don't forget: if you have an event you'd like posted on The Art Lot Blog, then just add a 'Comment' and I'll post it asap!
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Her new work is stark and very exciting...and in the interview she explains how this change in her work came about. She also tells how fine art became a passion in her life...the family influences, and the places which influence her new art. The festival catalogue describes her work as, ' Minimalist landscape paintings: pen on gesso.' Listen in... and then go and see her ... she'll be showing with Carolyn Galloway and Caroline Payne at 1 Jubilee Cottage, that's in Jubilee Road, Nailsworth. There are two Open Studio weekends: 12th to 13th of June; 19th to 20th of June.
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Here's a great chance to support Stroud FM AND win a little prize too: a survey at asks nine quick questions about local people's listening and reading habits.
"We are urging as many people as possible to take part and are offering people the chance to win £25 of shopping vouchers," says Chas Townley who is organising the survey.
So check it out:
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
News update!
‘Still Kicking’ written and performed by Jo Bousfield and Marcus Moore
A hotch potch of humour, histories and hormones
BOX OFFICE Everyman except * gigs with phone numbers
Thurs 10 June 8pm Sub Rooms Café Bar, Subscription Rooms, Stroud * 01453 760960
Thurs 17th/ Fri 18th June Dartington College of Arts farewell Festival
Sat 19 June, Sun 20 June 7.30pm Garden Shed , 14 Bowbridge Lane , Stroud
Fri 25th June 7.30pm Garden Shed 39, Naunton Park Rd, Cheltenham
Sat 26 June 7.30pm Garden Shed, 39 Naunton Pk Rd, Cheltenham
Sun 27 June 7.30pm Festival of Words , Coleford, Forest of Dean * 01594 833334
Fri 9th July 7.30pm Picturedrome Studio Theatre, Barton St, Gloucester
Sat July 10th Days Cottage Farm Yurt, Brookthorpe, Gloucester 7.30pm
Thurs July 22nd Tewkesbury Roses Theatre Café/Bar 8.30pm * 01684 295074
Jo B 07769 952449
Charity of the month
The Encephalitis Society ...a keen-eyed person in the Encep head office spotted my mention in this blog...and emailed to say 'thanks'.
That email led to another etc etc as they do, and the outcome is that my 4-to-5 guests on June 15 will be Charlie + Rachel Stanley-Evans whose baby daughter caught the virus two years ago when she was one..she recovered and is now a thoroughly naughty three-year-old, says Charlie with relief.
It will be a fascinating interview...Encephalitis hits at any age: I had it when 59. So make a date in your diary for that! Charlie and Rachel are both busy business people...yet with looking after two young daughters as well, still find time to raise money for The Encepalitis Society.
Their company websites are:
NEW CHARITY OF THE MONTH ... drop a comment into this blog and suggest your charity...
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Don't forget: if you have an event you'd like posted on The Art Lot Blog, then just add a 'Comment' and I'll post it asap!
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
You can hear Artist Penny Payne again on Sunday June 5 at 3pm. Penny is one of the artists showing work at Site Festival 2010 ... the Stroud Valleys' Open Studios event starting on June 12...and we had a great interview about her life and work at the last Art Lot.
Her new work is stark and very exciting...and in the interview she explains how this change in her work came about. She also tells how fine art became a passion in her life...the family influences, and the places which influence her new art. The festival catalogue describes her work as, ' Minimalist landscape paintings: pen on gesso.' Listen in... and then go and see her ... she'll be showing with Carolyn Galloway and Caroline Payne at 1 Jubilee Cottage, that's in Jubilee Road, Nailsworth. There are two Open Studio weekends: 12th to 13th of June; 19th to 20th of June.
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!Her new work is stark and very exciting...and in the interview she explains how this change in her work came about. She also tells how fine art became a passion in her life...the family influences, and the places which influence her new art. The festival catalogue describes her work as, ' Minimalist landscape paintings: pen on gesso.' Listen in... and then go and see her ... she'll be showing with Carolyn Galloway and Caroline Payne at 1 Jubilee Cottage, that's in Jubilee Road, Nailsworth. There are two Open Studio weekends: 12th to 13th of June; 19th to 20th of June.
Here's a great chance to support Stroud FM AND win a little prize too: a survey at asks nine quick questions about local people's listening and reading habits.
"We are urging as many people as possible to take part and are offering people the chance to win £25 of shopping vouchers," says Chas Townley who is organising the survey.
So check it out:
Don't forget, ace Blues player Alexander John, my last guest, plays live every last Friday of the month at The Clothiers Arms, in Stroud...
If you want a quick listen to him now, then click his website
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
News update!
Worldwork Initiative
Stroud 4th - 8th June
The Full Story – biography and the bardo of the west
Talk: Friday 4th June 7.30-9pm, £ 5
A complete biography includes the stages after life. Horst Kornberger has pioneered a participatory approach to biographical work and in this talk he shares some of his research into artistic processes at the threshold.
Workshop – biography and the bardo of the west
Saturday 5th June 10am- 5pm, £ 70
This is an introduction to new ways of working with the inner and outer levels of biography. Through creative writing, acting and picture trading we will explore the journey from memory to imagination, the seven year cycles and the stages of the afterlife.
Community Alignment and the new Myths
Talk: Sunday 6th June 7.30pm – 9pm, £ 5
In the past stories and myth aligned communities with their future. Today, they have shrivelled into mission statements and statutes, resulting in social alienation and stagnation. Horst will talk about the power of myth to shape reality, the creation of symbolic capital as future investment and the three alignments that enable communities and organizations to realise their full potential.
Honey, Money and Bees
Talk: Tuesday 8th June 7.30-9pm, £ 5
This talk explores the nature of exact imagination in relation to the bee crisis and offers insights into the threefold commonwealth as a practical movement towards a sustainable future.
Horst Kornberger is a writer, interdisciplinary artist, lecturer and researcher into the field
of imagination and creativity,
Worldwork Initiative for contemporary Anthroposophy was founded by Horst and Jennifer Kornberger
Venue: Centre for Science and Art – Lansdown, Stroud
Bookings: Jennifer Kornberger

Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
ALSO!Listeners who heard my interview with Philippa Roberts recently may be interested to know that Evergreen magazine have done a big spread about Philippa's grandmother, Effie M. Roberts, in their Spring issue (out now). There are several of Effie's poems, with one spread over several pages in the front of the magazine, illustrated with beautiful photographs. There is an article about her, by Philippa, and more poems and photos later in the magazine.
Evergreen, for those who don't know it, is a Readers' Digest size magazine with a green background to the cover. It should be available in newsagents.
by Jo Bousfield and Marcus Moore
(Pictured here)
A hotch potch of humour, histories and hormones
BOX OFFICE Everyman except * gigs with phone numbers
Fri 4 June New Brewery Arts Cirencester * 01285 657181
Sun 6 June 7.30pm Garden Shed ,
14 Bowbridge Lane , Stroud
14 Bowbridge Lane
Thurs 10 June 8pm Sub Rooms Café Bar, Subscription Rooms, Stroud * 01453 760960
Thurs 17th/ Fri 18th June Dartington College of Arts farewell Festival
Sat 19 June, Sun 20 June Garden Shed ,
14 Bowbridge Lane , Stroud
14 Bowbridge Lane
Fri 25th June Garden Shed 39,
Naunton Park Rd , Cheltenham
Naunton Park Rd
Sat 26 June 7.30pm Garden Shed,
39 Naunton Pk Rd, Cheltenham
39 Naunton Pk
Sun 27 June Festival of Words , Coleford, Forest of Dean * 01594 833334
Fri 9th July Picturedrome Studio Theatre,
Barton St , Gloucester
Sat July 10th Days Cottage Farm Yurt, Brookthorpe, Gloucester
Thurs July 22nd Tewkesbury Roses Theatre Café/Bar * 01684 295074
Jo B 07769 952449
Charity of the month
The Encephalitis Society ...a keen-eyed person in the Encep head office spotted my mention in this blog...and emailed to say 'thanks'.
That email led to another etc etc as they do, and the outcome is that my 4-to-5 guests on June 15 will be Charlie + Rachel Stanley-Evans whose baby daughter caught the virus two years ago when she was one..she recovered and is now a thoroughly naughty three-year-old, says Charlie with relief.
It will be a fascinating interview...Encephalitis hits at any age: I had it when 59. So make a date in your diary for that! Charlie and Rachel are both busy business people...yet with looking after two young daughters as well, still find time to raise money for The Encepalitis Society.
Their company websites are:
NEW CHARITY OF THE MONTH ... drop a comment into this blog and suggest your charity...
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
Don't forget: if you have an event you'd like posted on The Art Lot Blog, then just add a 'Comment' and I'll post it asap!
Tune in! 107.9FM locally, or from anywhere in the world!
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